07 / 12 / 22 | Press Release

For Immediate Release
7th December 2022

Following the protest on Sunday against the Government’s abortion bill, people gathered again, this time outside Parliament to maintain pressure and highlight to Government that abortion is not the will of the people of Malta.

The crowd that filled the square in-front of Parliament lit candles as a gesture of solidarity towards the babies that will be put at risk with the introduction of abortion in Malta.

This was another initiative of the Inti Tista Ssalvani campaign driven by the coalition of for Life made up of the Life Network Foundation, Doctors for Life and I See Life, urging the Government to abandon its plans to introduce abortion.

The petition has already gathered over 25,000 signatures, urging the Government to reconsider the clause it has presented in Parliament and take on board the Expert Clause and proposals made by the multi-disciplinary group of 81 doctors, lawyers, ethicists and academics, also supported by 44 organizations, 450 doctors and thousands of citizens.

The giant image of a baby was laid out in Freedom Square, with supporters laying candles as MPs passed by.

The Coalition urges again the Government to listen to the will of the people of Malta and Gozo, to keep to its word and mandate and ensure that any changes while protecting mothers in difficulties, babies and doctors, do not legalise abortion.

Life Network Foundation still awaits a reply from the Prime Minster to their letter sent on the 1st December 2022 requesting a meeting dialogue with Government.


Dr Miriam Sciberras, Chairman of Life Network Foundation said:

“The Bill in its current form will allow abortion on demand to take place in Malta.”

“The Government while justifying the changes as needed to protect mothers and doctors, have today any legitimacy to continue with the changes when doctors represented by MAM, psychiatrists represented by their Association and nurses and midwives represents by MUMN have expressed serious concern with the legislation proposed, as the legislation adds more uncertainty and cause for concern then protection.  

Government has no mandate to bring in abortion, as the Prime Minister confirmed that this is not included in the Labour Party Electoral Manifesto, and that he is personally against abortion “in all circumstances”” 

“We appeal to the Prime Minister and Minister of Heath. There is no urgency, we call for dialogue with the Government over this issue”





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